Bang Bang
Sara Schiralli


Strange kind of feels unguided
I think the voice of life went
It went bang bang in my head
And now it's just a little exciting
Like more than perfect timing
It goes bang bang in my head

And in this moment i'm just a little weak
And in this moment i cannot quite find my feet
And in this moment i could see this day leave me
And in this moment i'm wandering effortlessly
And in this moment i have questions burning
They go bang bang in my head

And so i will not deny this
Not even try and fight it
It goes bang bang in my head
Like that, that the fever takes hold
And the peoples hands go
They go bang bang in my head

And in this moment i'm just a little weak
And in this moment i cannot quite find my feet
And in this moment i could see this day leave me
And in this moment i'm wandering effortlessly
And in this moment i have questions burning
They go bang bang in my head


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