Liddie H. Edmonds/Norwegian Melody
SDA Church Hymnal (1985) Hymn # 523
[Verse 1]
My faith has found a rest-ing place,
Not in a man - made creed;
I trust the ev-er liv-ing One,
That He for me will plead.
I need no other ev-i-dence,
I need no oth-er plea,
It is e-nough that Je-sus died,
And rose a - gain for me.
[Verse 2]
E-nough for me that Je-sus saves,
This ends my fear and doubt;
A sin-ful soul I come to Him,
He will not cast me out.
I need no other ev-i-dence,
I need no oth-er plea,
It is e-nough that Je-sus died,
And rose a - gain for me.
[Verse 3]
My soul is rest-ing on the Word,
The liv-ing Word of God,
Sal-va-tion in my Sav-iorâs name,
Sal-va-tion through His blood.
I need no other ev-i-dence,
I need no oth-er plea,
It is e-nough that Je-sus died,
And rose a - gain for me.
[Verse 4]
The great Phy-si-cian heals the sick,
The lost He came to save;
For me His pre-cious blood He shed,
For me His life He gave.
I need no other ev-i-dence,
I need no oth-er plea,
It is e-nough that Je-sus died,
And rose a - gain for me.