Rock In The Sea
Shocking Blue


I wish I was a bird in the sky
I wish I was a bird in the sky
Like a bird in the sky
I stay high and dry
I wish I was a bird in the sky
I wish I was a bird in the sky

I wish I was a mole in the ground
I wish I was a mole in the ground
Like a mole in the ground
I'd root this mountain down
I wish I was a mole in the ground
I wish I was a mole in the ground

I'm so glad I can sing
I don't want furs and rings
Only the beauty of nature
Matters to me, yeah

I wish I was a rock in the sea
I wish I was a rock in the sea
Like a rock in the sea
Nothing could torture me
I wish I was a rock in the sea
I wish I was a rock in the sea

I wish I was a rock in the sea
I wish I was a rock in the sea


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