Long Distance Calls


Everyone is working hard.
Mothers got a shit job.
Daddy got a .
Divorce ain't free.
Lawyer gets a phone call.
He's back on the payroll.
It's time to figure out who gets the house and the keys.
Mom and Dad get uptight.
The kids see the whole fights.
It's all very childlike, their vulgar tones.
Sister starts crying, brother starts whining,
But please don't forget we're a family.
Now it's time for long distance calls
To say I love you I don't know you at all.
I don't sympathize with dead beat dads.
He sits alone we were all he had.
It's 20 year later.
Brothers got a girlfriend.
His wife is on the back end.
Divorce ain't fee.
Sisters got a husband.
But he don't give her lovin'.
It's funny its a turnaround how life isn't free.
Got to pay the mortgage and get the kids thru college.
And maybe if we're lucky we can make ends meet.
Sister starts crying, brother starts whining.
But please don't forget we're a family.


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