The Order
Sub Rosa


Cold moon rides in the skies
Like a gloomy still life
And from dusty old pages, I read the tales

Secret ancient legacies
By an artist's hands come
For most eyes not to see, one can't deny them

The glimpse of twilight and the immortal dreams by the sea
.: What dwells just for now can be eternal :.
Become witnesses of all unconceivable secrets
And symbols of our Mother Nature

Novus Ordo Seclorum comes from ancient papyri
And the deepest of the roots grants forever
One split the thin bread into a thousand and 40 pieces
So they could become Spirits of Time

As I turn these old pages
The night is shrouding on
And the chariot of crowned child brings the first light

Then I learn how to teach
When I'm called to shut up
Closing doors of my life for human nature


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