King City
Swim Deep

Álbum: Where the Heaven Are We ( 2013)

I wanna be everything that I'm not
I wanna be rich, I wanna show off
Just a desperado, with a sour twist
It'll all come sweet on your lips

'Cause I'm in love, so old
Put your flowers down, it's too cold
your romance, I wanna pretend
That jenny lee lindberg is my girlfriend

With the sun on my back it's a nice day
I will never to choose any other way

With the sun on my back it's a nice day
I will never to choose any other way

I need to come home to see my friends
I need to come down to feel insane
I know I ain't cool right now
I'm as high as a fool, I'm outta sight yeah

'Cause I'm in love, so old
Put your flowers down, it's too cold
your romance, I wanna pretend
That jenny lee lindberg is my girlfriend

With the sun on my back it's a nice day
I will never to choose any other way

With the sun on my back it's a nice day
I will never to choose any other way

With the sun on my back it's a nice day
I will never to choose any other way

With the sun on my back it's a nice day
I will never to choose any other way


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