Birds Of A Feather
The Rosenbergs


I can't be anything w/o you. Don't ya know it's a shame
I'm sitting at my desk and it's noontime and I want just to call you.

'Cuz we go together just like jam and bread or maybe birds of a feather
I don't know anything about you? Don't ya know? That's the game

I'm sitting on my bed and I wonder what will it take for u to call me?

We go together...
Hey, can u hear me? When I shout out loud, I wish that you could be near me

I don' care if the bills are paid as long as she is with me. I don't care if my soul is saved as long as she forgives me. I don't care if the moon is wrong wishin and a hoping. I don't need to be an astronaut as long as you are k-k-kissing me

I can't be anything


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