Only A Woman
Trey Parker


Only A Woman Lyrics
I need this
I need love
I need you
I don't need one hearbeat
I need two

There's an emptiness I need to fill
And only one emptiness will do

Only a woman
Can brighten up my day
Only a woman
Can touch me the right way
Only a woman
Is allowed to touch me there
All I ask is that you're a woman

I like rain, I like ham
I like you
You're around, you're right here
So you'll do

I'm gonna tell you how much I love your mind
But it simply isn't true

Only a woman
Can brighten up my day
Only a woman
Can touch me the right way
Only a woman
Is allowed to do what you're doing right now
All I ask is that you're a woman

And on saturdays when I've been partying hard
And it's 4 in the morning, and I'm on my fith tab of E
that's the only time I don't even care if you are a woman

Right now
Only a woman
Can brighten up my day
Only a woman
Can do it just the right way
Only a woman
Should be doing that right now
I just want you to be a woman
Please just be a woman
Or a man...


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