Gun Shy


What you were, what it was
You were fixing to get lost
I tried to tame you
It wasn't long 'til you were takin' off
Lightly, I was on your mind
Lonely on the road at night

You're still a wild one
But what is it you're running from?
All scared, like you're staring
Down the barrel of the gun
No pistol could get you
No rifle could shoot fast enough
Some try to love you
But it's never long before you shake 'em off

Lightly, I was on your mind
Lonely on the road at night
Lights so low and glare in your eyes
Jump the gun and you were too shy

Lightly, I was on your mind
Lonely on the road at night
Lights so low and glare in your eyes
Jump the gun and you were too shy.


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