Dr. Sin

Álbum: Dr. Sin II ( 2000)
Mudar para Português

Sitting here, looking at the fire
My life passes before my eyes
I feel so tired I could die

As the night sky falls upon me
I think of everything I love
Lonely tears are coming from my eyes

I watch the world around me
The little things remind me
How my life was easier before

It's so hard to remember
One long cold December
Waiting for the sun to shine on me

If I knew what I had before
I would have chosen another door
The path I took
Wasn't what I thought at all

Looking back
Oh, I wish I could
Live eternity in my childhood
Lord I wish I could

Holding on to what escaped me
Too many years ago
The voices echo in my soul

So many lost desires
Too many broken dreams
I'm going back I'll find a way

I watch the world around me
The little things remind me
How my life was easier before

It's so hard to remember
One long cold December
Waiting for the sun to shine on me

If I knew what I had before
I would have chosen another door
The path I took
Wasn't what I thought at all

Looking back
Oh, I wish I could
Live eternity in my childhood
Lord, I wish I could


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