Dr. Sin

Álbum: Brutal ( 1995)
Mudar para Português

If you kill someone for money
Tell me what you would buy?
Could it really make you happy?
Could you live with the lie?

You better think twice
Eveything you put out
Gotta think about your future
That's what it's all about

Do you lie without a reason?
Did you sell your soul for fame?
You must answer for your actions
You can't erase your name
So get ready, because

Everything you do comes back to you
This you can't deny
Good or bad it all comes back to you
That's the law of life

There's no easy way around it
You will answer for your deeds
So you better count your blessings
Don't take more than you need, because

Everything you do comes back to you
This you can't deny
Good or bad it all comes back to you
That's the law of life


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