A Thousand Bees
Sara Lov

Álbum: Seasoned Eyes Were Beaming ( 2008)

How sweet is the revenge
When you don't want it anymore?
How meaningless the defense
When you're not fighting anymore?

I've given up the wanting,
How it seems to want me still.
Like lovers wanting others,
Dancing on the lovers' hill.

Photographs, beautiful photographs.
Can't go back, can't take it back.
Photographs, beautiful photographs.
Can't go back, can't take it back.

To see a younger girl like me
With eyes all wide and wandering,
Will she awaken just like me?
A thousand bee stings covering
A heart that doesn't need their wings.

You stung me, you stung me.
You stung me, you stung me.
You stung me, you stung me.
You stung me, you stung me.

Photographs, beautiful photographs.
Can't go back, can't take it back.
Everything, I've told you everything.
Can't go back, can't take it back.

Photographs, beautiful photographs.
Can't go back, can't take it back.

How sweet is the revenge
When you don't want it anymore?


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